Posts in Creativity & Inspiration
3 Myths About Watercolors That Are Holding You Back

Since becoming immersed in watercolors through painting and teaching I’ve witnessed may hesitations that hold people back from getting started with watercolor painting. And all of them (that I’ve seen and heard) are myths. 

Here are 3 common myths about watercolors I observed that hold people back.

1. I am not creative
2. I need to be able to draw
3. I should start with student grade supplies - I’m not good enough to use artist grade

Sound familiar? I wouldn’t be surprised!

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3 Reasons Watercoloring Is More Than Just Learning to Paint

Watercolor, simply put, is water mixed with pigment which is then applied to paper. But painting with watercolors is something entirely different. It can be complex, confusing, and fun at the same time. 

Learning how to paint with watercolors is more than just watercoloring. Those of us who love it and want to keep getting better aren’t in it just to paint pretty pictures. Have you ever asked yourself why you want to learn, why you want to get better, and why it can be so rewarding? I’ve thought about it and here are 3 reasons why I think watercolors are so much more than just learning to paint.

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Filming with Brit + Co | Watercolor Painting + Digitization Class

When I received an email in my inbox from Sarah back in September 2017 asking if I’d be interested in teaching an online course for Brit+Co, I wasn't sure if it was real at first! I tend to believe that we all have some degree of imposter syndrome and it certainly is bound to kick in when a company like Brit+Co reaches out to you. I definitely had a few thoughts cross my mind like: 'Are they really asking ME?' and 'Can I really do this?' On top of that, anyone that knows me, knows I would much rather be behind the camera than in front of it and don’t prefer being the center of attention. But I gave it some thought and reminded myself that we learn the most when we feel uncomfortable and push our own boundaries - so I agreed. 

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My Creative Process

I was recently asked what my creative process is and I had to stop and think about it before I could come up with an answer. It’s probably because my creative process is not something that I’ve been developing for a long time. I feel like I really just started being intentional about it in the last year, actually.

At the time, I answered that it starts with cleaning up my space so I feel prepared to sit down and create. But after thinking about it some more, there are two other parts to the process that come way before cleaning and go deeper than just than tidying up the pens and loose papers on my desk.

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